
If anything, it seems less so.

I sure wish it didn’t cost $90 dollars to hopefully get the same amount of content that existed in DS and 3DS era for $40,

“The idea of paying for new Pokémon is a shockingly new one for a series that’s been around for longer than so many of the people playing it.”

Can he just fuck off and die? He can even record it on video, I just care about that final part.

So will you be linking to it every time one of these assholes makes a video, or is Spacey a special case?

The only thing you need to know is my mothers advice of “If you never want to see someone again, loan them money.” 

Holy shit, Bird Box came out in 2019. This year has gone on forever

Tell us—if you can manage to somehow navigate the ads and actually get our comments to load.”

As much as fun as that question is, I would also argue that the assumption itself there is very picky as I could also choose several game examples from this decade which would support arguing that there has been a step away from eldrich nihilism.

The Bean vs. Beef one always annoys me. If you want to argue for a vegan lifestyle do it, just dont be misleading about it. There are a lot of benefits to vegan eating, downsides too, like anything its about weighing the pros and cons. Personally when I attempted to go vegan for a month I felt like hell as eating 240

I was going to watch this but missed the start time. After reading this review, glad I didn’t. Doesn’t making Scrooge a victim of this much trauma rob the story of its critique of capitalism? Plenty of real life business leaders doing bad things to our world who grew up normal and well adjusted. Some people can just

I distinctly remember being a first grader in Catholic school when we were taught the passage from Matthew when God’s literal wing man, Gabriel, appears to Mary and tells her she is going to give birth Jesus. We were distinctly told Mary was reluctant to participate but gave in because she was God’s “servant.” I

You know that mocking White Jesus is probably the the whole point of the joke, right?

We’re still missing bits of the Talmud due to their reactions to sections that suggested it.

And worse online. I’ve recently thought about giving up internet commenting entirely because it honestly feels like my standards for what I will or won’t say are getting notably lower. 

I loved Last Jedi and I wish the actors kept the internecine conversations behind closed doors, where they belong.

Wasn’t really the point of the article. The point was that, across things like Gamergate and the present MCU “controversy,” proponents of these types of what was formerly derided as “nerd culture” have overreacted to criticism at any level with a crazed level of zeal, as if things like the $50B game industry or MCU

This is where my inherent contempt for people who insist on distinguishing between “high” and “low” art runs into my inherent contempt for people who insist that any form of expertise is elitist and untrustworthy. Is Scorsese wrong for dismissing an entire film genre out of hand? Absolutely. Are MCU fans wrong for

You might have a point if he had said anything like it. If a 5-star chef says, “McDonald’s is fine, but it’s not haute cuisine,” and your interpretation of that is, “Hey, he said you’re all a bunch of pigs choking down your swill,” I don’t think the problem is with Scorcese. 

Considering how many sickos out there eagerly cheer corporations[...]”