
Dishonored 2 adds more non-lethal yet non-stealthy options! You can punch people in the face and not kill them.

... but the Bioware fanbase(s) is allergic to goodwill. Like, it’s a fanbase that has hated the last... four Bioware releases, for both legitimate and stupid reasons, and that’s already dismissing Anthem.

While Cameron’s remarks were basically backpatting himself, let’s not pretend there’s a lot of ‘hard, troubled and tough’ female action heroes right now.

I was in that situation once, because I bought my PS4 in Canada and instead of bundling FIFA like honest countries, they gave me NHL 2015 and MLB 2015. I never even tried with the MLB one, but the NHL one was surprisingly fun. Maybe it does allow for punching people and the general goal is easy.

Well, soccer is a really easy game to pick up in general. There’s strategy and tradition, but in the end, you score, you win. And the rules aren’t even that many.

Yeah, that and not being able to find all reviews for a series are two things they should fix. The Reviews section has categories, so it shouldn’t be too much of a nightmare.

Eh, they're just a weird, weird subculture. It doesn't mean they deserve to lose their jobs over listening to bad music and painting their faces.

Ah, DAI crafting. I spent hours and hours giving them all the bestest armor (I cycle party members around a lot - though I mostly went with Team Awkward Double Date - Dorian, Bull and Blackwall -).

It is. I've seen many pseudocides/Munchasen by proxy server over the years. People are weird and I guess it's like being able to see your own funeral.

That's actually great.

Yes, but one of the features of this community is that it's open and democratic. It'll help the existing commenters and I seriously appreciate that, but it might change the dynamics of how new people join.

I'm ridiculously worried about how that One Law & Order Parody Thread is going to fare.

Your ads routinely paralyzed my browser. Will the Kinja move help with that?

They post articles for us to be off-topic about, even.

Yes, I think it can be solved in different ways but it's nice to encourage discussion that's not so ephemeral.

If it has the… quality of the Gilmore Girls reviews, it will be just an excuse for us to talk in the comments.

But don't you see, flatter comment design means less off-topic conversations!

Man, I'm going to miss Alasdair so much.

Ability to see which comments are new since you last checked?

The thing is - this isn't a redesign for us. It's a deep change to how the commenting function works and, as somebody who visits Kinja sites frequently, our community is different.