
“a show set in Metropolis before Superman showed up and started doing his hero thing”

I think lacking the three pod structure has hurt it a bit as well

Not sure how much more clear “they said it would help” can be

I can think of two particular reasons...

“- I know May and Coulson were facepalming at Deke not being able to read Kree, but it makes sense. If a slave doesn’t need to read, why allow it? I mean, they DID wipe Earth’s history in the future.”

Man the Remorath are pretty underwhelming

Yes it does. He specifically says that the translators allow you to understand people and allow people to understand you. In other words they work both ways.

Lol “becoming”

Miles Morales and Shuri would also like to say hi

I’m not sure what makes people think the ending will be undone “immediately.” Pretty sure that will be the main quest of the film and likely come at or near the climax

There are many other members of the team in the comics. In fact, there’s an arc where most of the main team is out of commission and another group has to step up. This is clearly what Vol. 3 will be about.

Who does this guy think he is? James Halliday??

Yea, good theory

This is a very large reaction to an offhand bit of teasing

It would be cool to begin next season with the snap

Yes, this was not a common theory at all

I think we should

It’s pretty wrong yea

And he comes back in exactly the same state, only to die a few hours later from the stab wound

Maybe something like SPEAR. Or how about SWORD?