
Too bad he didn't have a sunroof top

Ha. That AoS comparison is funny since, regardless of production value, it's been able to tell a more consistently engaging story over 22 episodes than these Netflix shows with 13. So if that was the goal they succeeded a little too well.

Just make him a minor villain and it'll be fine. From his very entrance Diamondback had the aura of a lackey, it's time for the show to let him embrace his destiny

"Luke is the title character, but he spent the entire first episode actively trying NOT to get involved with the plot."

I think I'm just a sucker for "Community unites around the hero" scenes. Loved when the crowd started chanting here, and I also really liked the scene in ASM where the crane operators made a path for him

100% agreed. While I'm not as down on that final fight as most others (I actually thought the last two eps were a lot better than some of the ones right before them) that was really weird to me. And it's funny because Ant-Man has literally the exact scene you referred to, with Ant-Man trying to mess up Yellow Jacket's

People have tried that a bunch of times in the Cap films. Cap's reaction time is fast enough that it just doesn't work.

I don't mind Diamondback coming back, but I really hope he takes more of a Crossbones role of being only a minor obstacle before the real big bad rears his head. Or even being a lackey of said big bad. Especially since narratively Luke should be past him in terms of character development and what not

I actually liked that about it.

"Anyone else completely annoyed and grossed out by Luke’s “Cuban coffee” flirtation line? Luke, we’re not comparing women to coffee anymore. Claire is too good to fall for that, I don’t care how fine Luke is."

Hopefully it's as effective as the one Doc did in Back to the Future 2

I thought we were over this shit already to be honest, then in the comments people were even more convinced. smh

Yea that's what we were discussing

Her sordid affair with Scott Lang

Agree on part 2.

That's "Luke Cage's wife" thank you very much

She can awkwardly freestyle stroke through the air you mean

Yea that's the goal, but baby steps

"If that were the case, they would be looking at talent not the genitalia between someones legs."

It is. But for a good cause: combating the trend of institutionalized sexism which goes in the other direction. Unfortunately, such things aren't going to disappear naturally, so until we get to the day these discrepancies are no more, there will be times where it's necessary to force the issue.