
Omg this was my mom’s legit response to the news.

“I wonder if poor Luke got some action...”

No one ever wants to fuck poor Luke.

I feel like it’s the White House IT department that should be investigated, not Clinton.

I kinda want them to push the envelope further and make it a mixed-race family.

English farmer Maud Lee and her daughter Pat enjoying tea with their lamb Betty in 1949

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

“but I believe it is possible for most to rhetorically trounce Trump without additional chemical assistance”. With half of her brain cells tied behind her back.

Maybe during Wednesday’s debate, halfway through, she can offer Trump to take a break so he can go “powder his nose.”

I’m baffled at how the court can seriously take into account any letters of familial support when the charge involves incest. Like, holee shit. It’s not enough that he assaulted a child, not enough that it’s incest, but on top of that, the family is taking his side. Beyond demented.

I feel so terrible for whoever this 12 year old is that her (or his?) bodily autonomy and feeling of safety is being so disrespected by what is seemingly family. I dont give a fuck how much you love a rapist, their future and well-being shouldn’t come before that of the CHILD they molested.

Meme of the week. Partially because I can hear it perfectly in my head.

Oh, yeah. The Cyber. Gotta do the Cyber.

He has people. AMAZING people. The emails. They know cyber. Just fantastic people.

Because a special prosecutor has intelligence gathering capabilities far beyond that of the F.B.I.?

Yes, I am sure ONE MORE investigation will really crack the case.

He went on a bit of a rant about how if anyone else did what Clinton did, their life would be in tatters. If he were president, he said, she would be “in jail.”

I’m thinking he’ll find a excuse not to attend. Some family crisis. Illness possibly. But not his because he’s super healthy. The best. Maybe one of his grandchildren.

Trump is locked inside his Trump tower, it’s a freaking fairytale.

I’m imagining Hillary sipping a martini and stroking a fluffy white cat in preparation for the debate at this point.