
People ask why I watch spring training baseball. “It doesn’t even count,” they’ll say. Like it means nothing.

It sucks when teams with asshole fans have such likable players. Really puts you in a tough spot.

I see the NBA’s “everyone good is broken” theme is being carried over into baseball season.

“I didn’t even know that was an option, five!?!”

Every single bit of this comment. I fucking love baseball, but watching a pitcher just fucking stand there - not pitching - has nothing to do with baseball. Get the ball, and throw the god-damned ball. The only tweek I would make to the pitch clock thing is I don’t think there should be one with a runner on base; but

I have no problem with this rule. I’ve been to dozens of minor league games, and there is nothing in particular to be gained by watching an endless extra-inning game between minor league teams. In about 100% of cases, if faced with the 11th or 12th or more inning of an MiLB game, I would leave. These games are

I hate the old “Text & Call” combo. You get a “Hey what are you up to tonight/can you help me out with something” text and then because I took more than 30 seconds to respond, I immediately get a phone call from the person asking the same question. Calm down, I’m trying to gather my thoughts and come up with a reason

“This is more for the professional world, because honestly, no one that you’d consider a friend would ever dare do a voice call these days.”

One of the many problems of being short: Always in the front row.

So is the unwritten rule that when you stop trying, the other team should stop trying?

save this article for when basketball fans are complaining about baseball’s unwritten rules in a few months

So I’ve seen all 9 Best Picture nominees and honestly, whoever said that Call Me By Your Name would have been a TV movie if it was not for the gay angle is right. Hell, it would have been a Travel Channel documentary if it did not have the sex scenes.

For my two cents, I totally give JJ the benefit of the doubt. He’s never had anything like this happen before, and he seems like a genuinely chill dude.

I do however have a problem, and full disclosure I am a Chinese-American man. A lot of people here seem to think it’s an impossibility that someone would be racist

They built a billion dollar industry an ignorant morons.

Pretty much everything The Soup made fun of was hacky though, they usually went after very low hanging fruit.

I sometimes don’t know for whom I feel the worst: the genuine celebrities with talent that are forced to put up with the trash Kardashians being treated as if they weren’t low-class garbage, or the fans who waste millions of dollars on Kardashian-adjacent bullshit that make this narcissism nightmare possible.

That show, when it was still on Fri. night, was a great way to wrap the week.

It’s very hard to watch this video—and especially this video, which zeroes in on Redick’s message—and not wonder whether J.J. Redick is, in fact, trying to smuggle an insult into what is otherwise meant to be a greeting.

1. Is she trying to seduce America?

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.