
Great read Emma, super interesting to note the differences you mentioned between Statcast and Pitchf/x and whatnot.

I love statcast and want 100% more of it involved in broadcasts. Finally we can have better ways of rating players and get rid of the “gold glover” nonsense type of arbitrary thinking.

Vin Scully is a joy.

Now playing

I enjoyed his tenure, he was part of the clubhouse heart that erased the years of Kemp and others making it a shitstorm in there, and was a reliable RISP hitter until his body crapped out.

8-10 years is a long time in baseball. And fluke teams make the playoffs every year.

Yeah, forgive my lack of tears - I’m a Mariners fan, and the top 4-5 AL playoff spots basically seem set in stone for the next 8-10 years.

It’s a pure money dump on both sides:

“As a Nats fan, I am already miserable about next winter.”

If this happens, does he hype the league as a place godfearing flag wavers will see players contractually obligated to pay respect to any and all things American? Or will he, like with the jerseys, have a league that lets players strike their own unique poses any time they want?

He has seen a boob in person.

I’d say that part of me is eagerly awaiting his inevitable upcoming sex scandal but I’m not sure that he’s actually even seen a boob in person. 

Naw, I can’t watch this. It’ll just make me want to hop the first flight to DC and cave his smug fucking skull in with a tire iron.

When conservatives say that they can’t be racist because they have loads of ‘brown friends’, Ajit Pai is that friend. 

What a repellent shit-eating troll this guy is. Most punchable face of 2017.

Ajit Pai embodies the time-honored principle that in this great nation of ours, no matter who you are, no matter how much, or how little money you have, no matter what country your family comes from, you can still come across as a big dumb fucking hayseed.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

He was also the #1 pick in the NBA Draft in 1995.

Econ teachers should build lectures around Chris Davis when discussing the sunk cost fallacy. Remember when he hit all those home runs that one year? Yeah, that was a fun year. I remember pies in faces.

It’s probably Riddick, right?

“Quit lookin’ at your stupid VORP spreadsheets and learn to grip a damn baseball, you fucking pansy.”