Sadie Monks

A homophobic bigot with an anger problem that once had a a very minor quasi-rap hit, who is loved by white women who normally don’t listed to rap music. Here most notable cultural achievement is probably being one of the last d-list celebrities given the chance to pose nude for Playboy. Also someone who apparently

In my AP History classes (30 years ago, but still) we were taught that the Irish were often brought over as indentured servants, and that their life was not demonstrably different or better than the Southern slaves. What they did have was hope, even if it was misguided. The slaves didn’t even have that. My teacher

(White) People use this myth to try to silence black people when we talk about slavery and systemic racism.

Yes, people do believe this! There’s this crazy old Irish Catholic lady in my knitting group who posts shit like this on Facebook all the time. Context hint: she also loves Donald Trump, watches Fox 24/7, doesn’t believe in evolution or climate change, and thinks NPR and PBS are Communist organizations. And boy does

Indentured servitude was often really, really brutal and terrible. I spent a while studying the practice in colonial New England, where it was pretty common for young girls to be sold into it as house maids, where they would be beaten and raped until they managed to get out of it, which could take years and years.

As an Irish person I approve this clearing of the record.

This is the first I’ve heard of this - do people really believe it? It is worth pointing out that the Irish in Northern Ireland felt a strong connection to and learned a lot from the US Civil Rights movement in the 60s (SO, fellow Irish-Americans, brush up on your history and don’t be racist!)

As a PhD candidate of the period who is CURRENTLY putting together a class titled “‘Unfreedoms’ in the Making of the Modern World” I too agree that this shit needs to be put to rest. There were a range of “unfreedoms” that pervaded the early modern world. The commercial traffic of convict laborers and indentured

As a historian and an Irishman, I thoroughly approve of this. I mean, yes, there are some famously awful things that the Irish people have gone through over the years (the aforementioned research from the article, Oliver Cromwell, the Irish Famine, etc.), but the important thing to remember is that the Irish were

You quote Liam Hogan in the piece, and he’s done a fantastic job debunking every specific claim made by these idiots, in a five-part series on Medium. I highly recommend you check it out!

As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.