
@fury161: You misunderstood, I'm not talking about marketing. I'm talking about Android solution to this problem: how do you bring commonality between inherently uncommon phones? Android's solution involves openness. That's an incentive to developers and manufacturers, not to end consumers.

@fury161: What have they been saying is the solution?

@snitch: I think you might be misinformed. Manufacturer skins doesn't have any affect on third party developers. Android uses the web model of design, you can make it look like anything you want (which means you have to do extra work of designing, but have the freedom to make it how you want).

What is often missed in this conversation is what the reality actually is. The conversation goes to what is the easiest for a developer, and that's a fine topic. But it misses the reality.

Is it going to launch with Android 3.0 in the same way that the new Market Web was launched with Froyo (meaning, not)?

Gnome+Metacity is already the best looking GUI on the market.