
I’m jealous that you get to day drink and I don’t.

Gingersnaps Porchswings

Trent Green
Fig Newtown Massacre led Purple vs. Carts On Planers led Bishop Sankey & the Revolutionary War led by Thomas Brady Bill vs. OJ’s Bronco led by Owl Collinsworth #grblflrblnrbl

“That is an AMAZONIAN tweet. Real pop-swatch staff.” - Emmitt Smith

All I can say is, I hope Aaron Ramsey doesn’t score again this weekend.

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.

I’m getting a fucking eye-twitch and a nervous tic after reading this.

At least now we can tell them apart.

He has afflueza.

I’ve been in the field studying the American Plumlee population for the last decade. It is no easy thing. I’ve tranquilized and tagged nearly 300 adult male Plumlees during my time in the wild. I’ve counted thousands more on “trap cameras” set up in arenas and around private colleges. My best estimate as to the size

What Angela didn’t mention was that she used to bounce professionally.

[plays video]

Posted this on the Jambaroo yesterday, but wanted to reiterate, because it’s truly remarkable. I heard this on my local sports talk station, so I have not done this research myself:

Also Flash Dance

Whitest story I’ve ever heard

Trust me, friend, you don not want to get involved with Miss Debbie. She will screw up your life forever. don’t be fooled by that smile and bonnet. She's evil.

It’s known as “The Vatican Plan.”

I mean, are we even sure McCown got hurt last night? That video could be old.

I think the have the horses on offense to beat anybody and are leaky enough in the back to almost certainly not be able to maintain their current pace and will surely fall off. I would not rule out a top 4 completely, but it is unlikely. European football, though? Could be. I do like their very direct style, they are

Better than “You JPP’d it”