
but...he doesn’t have a job

+1 = 50

CrunchWrap Potzumba treatment you say? well this Pearl Anteater Clown guy is pretty good too, some say he may be better!

Ricepops Triscuits is unstoppable right now. So exciting to watch.

Yeah, I think he meant last trip to NFC championship

Bring on the deadlift truthers.

how drunk are they?

LaVar Arrington looks better than he did in 2007

Fuck off you racist piece of shit.

I want a Rom Roberts summary of the above highlight. Does anyone know how to summon him from the deep?

i have no idea what this is

I believe you mean welsh messi. and that would be Joe Allen :)

I love Katie Nolan.

Meth or Math?

I was going to star this, but then I would give you more than 3 stars

Every year we go on a work ski retreat. We take a bus for three hours north, everyone drinks and gets rowdy on the bus. I drank too much, blacked out, ended up on the mountain with my skis (note* second time skiing, i had to rent skis, dont remember any of it), fell a lot, dislocated my shoulder, lost a bag i had with

He definitely said, “I didn’t do it”

Still waiting for the montage of Lions fans in despair

Still waiting for the montage of Lions fans in despair

fuck off