that show how well the game was made, it still stand really well despite the crazyness.
that show how well the game was made, it still stand really well despite the crazyness.
odyssey was already stated as “nearly finished” around the january reveal, so...not very likely
It’s even more weird if you compare with the Switch Pro controller wich has Motion control, NFC reader, and (HD?) rumble and this thing battery life is rock solid
Sorry but that just doesn’t work like that
I guess you could say the same for that Quiet character in MGS.
Those characters are hideous. What an afwul art style, it’s just plain creepy oO
I’m still playing DQ VII on 3ds, which is the first one I really played “seriously”, and i’m loving it...There is a charm about this series, the toryama design + the music.
I read that interview this morning on gamasutra, its was a great inside how developpement work (worked) at Nintendo.
“ every one of them is basically a slight update to the last.”
I actually really like this mission, I found the little korok guy to be so cute !
My majpr problem with sonic gameplay is that its supposed to be a FAST game game, but you are stopping every few secconds because of : Enemy / bouncy obstacle / spikes... Its just ruins the flow of the game, it has never really worked for me
That’s one of the most original and well done feature of the game for me. It’s keep the game and encounters fresh, and when you are advanced in the game you can increase your weapon slot by a lot !
I wish they did more Professor Layton style of stuff...
fair enough then...but for an outsider not used to the show or anything, it doesn’t give a great image
I hope I am not the only one who found calling a series “*I* war right” is incredibly pretentious
It’s great decision, you can’t trust trolls.
I don’t get the negativity about weapon durability, just be a bit more open minded about this, treat them as Ammo nothing else (cool looking ammo)
Great interview ! You are filling a bit the void from the lack of “Iwata’s ask “segments...:’(
But How will I play in my bed and aim with motion controls ? :P that definitely the kind of experience I love about my switch
“wifey wife things” Come on its 2017, your husband can do the housework while you enjoy zelda !!