Sad Batman

I used to play the shareware version on an ancient IBM compatible. Everything was like '80s action movie slow motion all the time.

Thanks for pointing this out. I've been a teacher for ten years, live in a nonunion state, and have virtually no job security. I have a "continuing contract", which— similar to what you said— entitles me to request a hearing before the board if I'm being fired for cause, nothing more. I can be transferred with no

I get where you're coming from, but would argue that continuing to focus the arguments about talented rapists on their rapes rather than their talents does, in fact, do a lot to take power from rape culture. Rape culture, after all, is primarily about "yes, but…" arguments. "Yes, the girl in Stuebenville, Ohio was in

I'm sure someone has pointed this out, but Mike's daughter-in-law sure looks like Lydia to me. I wouldn't put it past these producers to do this intentionally in casting and makeup to retroactively explain Mike's leniency toward Lydia In Breaking Bad.

Did anybody else think it was significant that when Daniel was "playing" in the car at the beginning of the episode, there was a closeup of the tail pipe? It seemed very ominous, especially since "pain pills" were mentioned immediately afterwards in the dialogue between Daniel and his mother. Maybe it was all leading

Especially considering the total reversal of physical power since the (last?) time they met, when Daniel got him in a chokehold in Season 1.

That's a great point, and I agree also that Russell is not an unlikable character, and that he may really love Claire. One way the show makes this ambiguous is with that "ugly" sculpture itself (which he supposedly made for Claire as some kind of apology). To me, the sculpture looked like an anguished figure holding

I don't know if the "two actresses" comment in #9 was a joke or not, but I love how it speaks to what distinct characters the clones are. Until I read the review, it didn't even occur to me how well the Sarah-and-Cosima handholding scene was, technically, because the performances made me forget they're both the same

This was a really beautiful episode of television, and that was a great song to end on. The original version is even better, though, as they cut and spliced the credits version up quite a bit to get the lyrical chunks they wanted in only a few seconds. Here's hoping for more great, lesser-known (although Shovels and

I agree that the Mr. Hoffman teacher was a great character. As an eighth-year high school English teacher, I really identified with the way he made the class authentic and engaging, without really giving the sense that he thought he was going to change every student's life. And yet, teachers like him do change

Tom Waits- "Come On Up to the House".