Well I did in 2012 so I guess my question is why do you want to kick me in my fork?
Well I did in 2012 so I guess my question is why do you want to kick me in my fork?
Democrat here.
I don’t know if this is really hacked info. The DNC staffer guy who was shot in DC a while back Assange intimated that he may be the source. So, more likely, it was an inside job. And unlike most conspiracy theories, this actually is plausible. The dude probably would have had access to this stuff. Also, I am not…
I’m more interested in the misconduct they were getting up to.
Look over here! It’s Donald Trump! That should distract everyone enough.
So the, who is to blame: Guccifer 2.0 or the Russians? Because, I’m told, who’s to blame is the most important part of this whole thing.
And if he dumped it all at once, people would forget and miss the important information. Disseminating the information in a manner that produces a result is just as important as having the information to begin with.
This years democratic primary revealed that about half of democratic voters are hypocrites, and the e-mail leak has shown that the DNC is filled with hypocrites who are only looking out for themselves.
Assange was the hero of the left when he was releasing national security docs from the Bush administration, but now he's going after your girl, so he's no longer credible. It's just too perfect!
Agreed and OH please. Gawker medias consistent and non hypocritical position on leaking information..
So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?
I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.
I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
Don’t you remember? They published that one article that trumpeted all the good they have done, so it is okay when they do the bad things from time to time.
I think the moment that you adopt an editing policy on these sort of leaks, you enter into some very dangerous waters (not that releasing confidential information isn’t already dangerous...).
I’m not sure Gawker should be calling anyone who publishes personal information a “dickhead” as you really don’t have a leg to stand on in that argument.
Doing one doesn’t necessarily mean the exclusion of the other. I, for one, super hope that all methods can be used to help the situation =)
As for @NeuroticKnight, maybe figure out that not all white people are the enemy. I know it isn’t popular on the interwebs, but that is still some racist ass shit. You can hide…
If Gawker Media didn't have double-standards, they'd have no standards at all. They sure as hell don't even have editorial standards, or spell-check for that matter.