Sadar Acampa

They are using the same old Italian actors as mafia thugs, same old black actors that have been in everything, as pimps and hustlers! I have a lot of faith in David Simon, but come on, some casting searches for new actors, please!

I know I am tired of these Producers using the song "Move On Up" in every scene showing street people and hustlers trying to live and get ahead! At least they won't be playing that tune on Game of Thrones while the dragons are taking off! Lol! I am only half kidding, I hope that they stop using this song so much!!!!!!

The body in the morgue on the table next to Omar that they had tagged wrong was Mahons drunk Irish partner, Detective Augustus Polk! He's the one who was shown trying to get up the courage to take a tumble down the stairs to get early disability retirement. Look at his face in the morgue and look at him on the stairs,