
I'm a parent and a trans guy with one unsupportive parent. Parents need to pull their narcissistic bull shit out of their asses. My Mother told me that my name change was "offensive to her" and takes it as a personal slight to her. Even though not only did I NOT pick the name, I never liked the name. I like the name

Leelah seemed like such a smart girl, too. She knew the research on trans issues, and that the older you are when you start transitioning, the harder it is. Look at Kim Petras. Her parents allowed her to start on hormones at twelve, she got SRS surgery at sixteen, and she looks like any other gorgeous female walking

I'm with Dan Savage on this one. If the people responsible for driving Tyler Clementi to take his own life can be prosecuted then these fucks, who drove their daughter to kill herself can face the same fate.

There's a huge difference between not understanding something and refusing to accept something. Leelah's parents refused to accept her. This is not unconditional love; this is fully conditional love. "We will love you as our son, but not as our daughter."

she didn't deserve leelah.

It's really difficult not to hate this woman. I grew up in this kind of smug, judgmental, repressed religious environment. People thought they were so nice and generous when they condescended to hate the sin, etc., but the stifling of individuality, of independence, of sexuality of any kind was just so fucking stupid.

Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.

But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...

This is so fucking heartbreaking. I am weeping for this poor girl. I'm sorry that you didn't have the support you needed Leelah. I'm sorry that you didn't seem to have anybody. I wish somebody would have crossed your path that could have directed you to resources that could help you independent of your parents but it

Well, that's just perfect.

I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.


Don't tell.

I fucking hate my husband. Hate him. Hate his character. He is a misogonyst, racist, power hunger asshole training to be a cop of all people. I'm so scared of how he is going to be with a gun in his hands. He keeps saying, "I'll get training, I'll get training," but they can't train his lack of impulse control out of

Waiting a few years for the apocalypse, and if nothing happens, throwing myself off a bridge.

Notice, I have supplied a suitable collection of animated pictures to best represent the feelings many have reading this.

oh, this is just sad.

lol he spelled manboob wrong.

Whatever happened to GIVE ME SLACK OR KILL ME?

Zen and the art of enjoying doing nothing. Nada. Zero.

"My favorite rapper is Eminem," Cornish said. "But my music collection goes from classical to jazz to blues. My favorite era is the sixties and seventies. I have a very eclectic taste in music."