
‘I often place in the top 15 or 20, averaging about 1-2 kills per game. I’m decent.’ You can literally get into top 20 or even top 15 with no kills, just hiding or not encountering anyone, average of 1-2 kills a game. This is more like a salty rant than an honest article.

git gud.

*play Team America: World Police theme song*.

FYI that style of ‘super deformed avatars’ are called Chibi’s.

haha this is such a comment for someone who always plays on ‘Can i play, Daddy?’ hahaha

I have to say i would change a few things on this list. For instance, i would include Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth in honorable mentions and put Dawn of War in this list(especially The Dark Crusade). But then again these kinds of things always come down to personal preference

‘learn to play as Bastion’. Didn’t know this was a sarcasm in the gaming world article.