
I really want that shirt.

Porsh 918 reviewed and the video is 9:18 long.


The Enzo almost looks like the go-go gadget car

Damn, you’re so cool not liking the thing other people like. Extreme damn.

It’s on purpose.

Perhaps they may use the word “sir” several times a minute.. but at best it is robotic and they speak to you like you’re not a person. The problem is that they are no longer part of the community or for the community. They are for themselves.

I’ve consistently found police in other “first world” countries to be leaps and bounds more polite, real, helpful and generally better than American police.

Australian coppers are armed - but with just a service pistol. It’s the British that go unarmed.

There are TV shows about the Australian Police you can see online. It’s crazy to see the differences from how the US Police handles things. Being armed is only for special occasions, people seem to get away with saying things that I think would get you tazed over here, but then they have ordered drivers to arrange

It’s between us and Queensland atm. I think we’re taking the lead though, we got a meth problem. Its so bad, even the ‘professional’ athletes have been hitting it.

Isn’t Australia the Florida of Asia?

Isn’t Perth like the Florida of Australia? I think I heard that somewhere.

Pics infront of this guys house or I don’t believe you.

I think they’re trying to be funny. I think a lot of people aren’t going to get that.

I mean yeah, I hated them right up until I needed a realtor and didn't know anyone who provided those services. One from the mail got me a great deal on my house.

It has to be. Any document important enough to send by a physical carrier is probably also important enough to send with a carrier that actually offers tracking.

4 is not.


Now playing

Here it is! It stopped raining about half an hour before we got on track, but it was still really slippery out there. Tons of fun!