Sacks Romana

That his secret Lt. He's always jerking off himself.

"If I was ever in a relationship"

I love boobs & California.

William F. Buckley: A troll before the internet age.

God, I watched 15-30 minutes of that exchange a few years back, and I've never wanted to clobber someone as bad as I wanted to smash Buckley in the face. I think I had to stop watching when Buckley accused Baldwin of enjoying all the privileges of a white man because he was a successful author. The look on Baldwin's

This site has gone to hell. I miss all the Gen X writers. I hate Trump, and I think I've liked other pieces by this writer, but I can't believe this qualifies as content, let alone stuff highlighted at the top of the page. If only The Dissolve hadn't had such a shitty website and layout. /rant

Fuck off. I've followed the most fevered right-wing idiocies, and while they thought Obama was a Kenyan Muslim (sometimes gay), none of them were worried about nuclear holocaust because Obama was antagonizing China by breaching decades of diplomatic protocol with Taiwan in order to put his name on a hotel there. In

Jim Abbott!

The only reason I'm still watching is because my wife has this mentality. It's killing me. For several seasons I've often mimed going to sleep during the LaGuerta subplots. This episode was so bad that I was falling asleep during the Dexter SUBPLOT (because that's what this fucking was) and wanted to get back to

The only reason I'm still watching is because my wife has this mentality. It's killing me. For several seasons I've often mimed going to sleep during the LaGuerta subplots. This episode was so bad that I was falling asleep during the Dexter SUBPLOT (because that's what this fucking was) and wanted to get back to

The only reason I'm still watching is because my wife has this mentality. It's killing me. For several seasons I've often mimed going to sleep during the LaGuerta subplots. This episode was so bad that I was falling asleep during the Dexter SUBPLOT (because that's what this fucking was) and wanted to get back to

Dangerous Precedent should be the name of his next album.