sack of antlers

This. People keep talking about how the economy has gotten so much better under Obama. While that may be true if you have money in the stock market or already have a kick-ass job, that’s not the case for many other Americans, who’re working at some low-wage paying retail store while still in need of TNAF or SNAP

The divide between the rich and the poor in America has been rising since the Reagan era. The Obama administration had some modest success against it.

Glad we can continue the discussion. I’ll try to be terse, but complete.

Since we’ve opened the door to dialogue and a bit of complexity: Here’s my take. (Take it or leave it, I suppose. There’s also a note at the bottom for you if you just want to skip there.)

If that’s what it comes down to the only jobs lost would have been Mexican ones. I can’t be too upset about that.

I think it’s worth keeping in mind that this latest Ford thing is not an isolated incident. This is a large trend in the automotive industry:
“In recent years, automakers that include General Motors, Honda,

I feel like I’m oversimplifying here but what Trump is trying to do is have that additional facility built in the US make business sense over building/expanding a plant in Mexico. It’s really that simple.

result in massive debt, inflation and unemployment

I know he’s been very vocal about it, but if trade and manufacturing between Mexico and the US is hindered, it will prove to be a bigger thorn in his side. (You’re also not the only one that used to work for the dude.)

How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?

Fucking nothing happened. People have argued about stupid shit since forever. Literally nothing has changed besides the mediums with which people can argue about stupid shit

Are we best friends?

I like replay but I think you need four changes:

I love a good oatmeal raisin. I think the issue is when you think you’re about to eat a chocolate chip and bite into an oatmeal raisin due to cookie-blindness. It’s a bad feeling.

I only recently found out people hated oatmeal raisin cookies. Fuck those people.

Probably the worst use of this meme I’ve ever seen in my life

Pretty rude giving us these pictures then taking them away.

I’ll be damned.

I feel your pain and I certainly don’t blame you for trying to maximize your deal but I think that you are being a little disingenuous. You are going to be trading in your car NOW for what it was supposed to be worth over a year ago. Even without the scandal, your car wouldn’t have been worth $27k today.

“that you went and looked up old posts of mine.”

The answer to the majority of these complaints could have simply been: “Sorry, Volkswagen is not responsible for poor financial decisions and an inability to understand/accept basic principles of economics”.