sack of antlers

Orrrrrrr..... she had to find a VP candidate that wouldn’t outshine her.

Man your conservative businessmen friends from 1998 will love this joke!!!!

Same old tired recycled talking points. You’ve made it clear you’ve never tried present-day VR if you’re comparing it to 3D televisions and VR from 1996.

What year is “yesteryear” because I don’t recall ever seeing VR that looked close to the current incarnations, including PSVR.

Yeah, but in the meantime, you’re surrounded by Florida.

/former Winter Park and Maitland resident

This is absolutely right, and it he hadn’t been such a dick, he probably would have gotten away with it.

If anyone believes Armstrong is basically a good guy who just did what everyone else was doing, read the book “Cycle of Lies”

Criminal defense attorney here.

What YOU paid is irrelevant.
If a business gives you a quote, and a timeframe and strikes out on does that make Tolbert the dick?

Seems like you’re acting like my old man. Anyone who makes more money than you is always wrong, no matter what.

Oh man, now all my points are invalid because I wasn’t careful with my grammar on gizmodo.

Try again. You are obviously clueless on Islam. Christianity doesn’t force women to cover themselves up. Nice failure yourself.

Seriously, folks on the Left are all wondering why there is so much division and what the people on the right are so upset about. Usually right after calling them all sorts of vile names, while with the other side of that filthy mouth they preach “love and tolerance”.

I’m firmly #NeverTrump but this kind of nonsense

Lol, you can’t even see how much you are proving my point.

Oh wait, so what you’re saying is that historically relevant things are caught on film and have been distributed en masse for far longer than Facebook has been in existence? And historically relevant photos and videos are generally saved somewhere a bit more secure than one person’s Facebook profile? It’s almost

Facebook will in NO WAY be helpful to future historians.

I just got a horrible mental image of a future historian sifting through millions of selfies...

Have you ever lost a backup drive with years of valuable data? I have quite a few times. First, you’re pissed and swear to the high heavens. Eventually you come to accept that loss is inevitable. And the files get replaced over time. Our personal data ain’t that valuable least of all the crap on FB.

Huge amounts of ephemera is lost to history. Always has been. Probably always will be. Let history and historians take care of themselves. They’re good at that.

“In sum: Weiner appears to have used a slew of apps that will happily cough up the disgusting details of his horny conversations with an underage woman...”

Is there any particular reason everyone on here is hating on hunting? What is the point of this article? Almost every post you have quoted is just Don Jr asking basic questions, where’s the story?