sack of antlers

In the same boat. I’m not sure why people think they’d cater to “hardcore” players who paid just as much as the “casual” gamers who far outnumber them. Maybe the *real* endgame is they’ll add a monthly fee with some extra grindy content for the hardcore types.

you forgot taxes

finally someone “gets it”

he didn’t condemn it before it happened so he’s culpable

amazing idea, a car movie full of machismo focused primarily around women! i can’t imagine why they haven’t done this already?


Uh that’s if you’re driving on ice, not during normal driving, unless you’re an 85 y/o

blah blah blah yeah we get it you have a PC, you couldn’t make it 3 minutes playing a game on a console, oh the humanity, blah blah blah. Please try to understand no one cares. Many of us own both(!) and somehow manage.

exactly! i’d get the outrage if this was the ending of titanic or children of men but.. for fucks sake did they even watch the movie?

blah blah everything sucks blah blah blah marvel is amazing blah blah bvs = worst movie of all time blah blah i want the colors to be bright like a carnival blah blah CGI blah blah blah

You’re bringing way too much logic, common sense, and rationality to this discussion.

Why does this site insist on using IFLS-esque click-bait’y titles? “Freakishly accurate”?

tank killa’


Why is this a thing? Why is it so hard to believe that people go to car sites to hear about cars? For fucks sake. “HAHAHAHAHAH JUST DONT READ IT!!!!” then what’s the point of even having a car site? What’s the point of having any “type” of site?

I think some people don’t realize how fake most of YouTube is these days. It’s like people trolling for likes on FB or Reddit — but instead of internet points, it’s actual money they get in return.

The real 1% and I believe the 1% the other poster was referring to are the 1% in terms of wealth, not income. Those are the ones that typically pay relatively little tax on their passive income. Agree 100% that the 1% of income earners don’t deserve to pay 50%+ in taxes, they’re already the ones getting screwed.

I think that’s his point. YouTube is the only game in town at this point. They don’t have much to stand on.

A million times this. People making 6-7 figures posting silly 5 minute videos. Wait until YouTube finally wakes up and realizes they have no real competition and could pay 1/10th that.

A couple more months and we can blame Trump for this!