
I used to think the same when I first got into watching speedruns but once I understood how incredibly precise and impossibly difficult it was to pull off the glitches that they make look so effortless I found a new respect as well as a new way to be entertained by video games and their players. Plus there’s

Nah, that ain’t a floating head. It’s one of those obnoxious Flea Men.

Yep, my hopes were raised and dashed in an instant when these came out. The quality is fantastic aaaaaaaand the colors are switched. Sounds minor but a little research could’ve fixed that. Seems like a pretty basic thing to mess up. Maybe it’s petty but growing up I used go out of my way to be able to play Lance (I

Not always, in vanilla TF2 before hats and alternate weapons there wasn’t a taunt like this. Kill taunts came a few years later. While it’s still not new, it was a newer feature absent from the first few years of the games life.