
If you waited 25 years to save up a $200K vehicle budget, it’s worth waiting another year to get what you actually want.

And in my experience, comes with a massive fucking discount if you have AAA.

Yep. Penske is good for big moves.

Might be late now, but shopping around for box trucks is a good idea.

Because, like anything else, there are people who are really into diesel tuning.

Class action lawsuits are about punishing giants, not making you rich.

Yeah I don't know why Salty thinks people won't unplug fans or lamps. I have witnessed people unplug actual work equipment in order to charge their phone or laptop. 

SEE ALSO: People conducting business on bluetooth headsets.

Total sociopaths. We’ve got a couple of really small coffee shops and deli-style sandwich places near my campus, and I don’t even bother going to them anymore. Their few tables are always filled by campers with their laptops. They’ll sit there for hours on the wifi with a cup of regular coffee and nothing more. It’s

You sad fool. So you drove one poorly calibrated, small engine volvo diesel and want to cast aspersions on all of them?