Most concussions aren’t obvious and a DE is still going to get his brain scrambled over the course of career. Noticeable concussions aren’t a measure of anything. Don’t let your kid play football. Literally one hit, that the person may barely notice, can cause irreparable damage in the future. The cumulative damage…
we going to bring up ethnicities being shitty to each other and holding whole countries liable? America, we committed genocide against the native peoples, continuously broke treaties, death marched them. We held people in slavery based on the color of their skin, then after they were freed, found ways to keep them…
we produced Trump in America...I dont think we really want to be slagging Slovenia for producing Melania. Every country produces gold digging whores (and gigolos).
I wouldnt be surprised to find out he hasnt eaten a vegetable intentionally in decades.
Looks like she’s sick of the KFC and hamberders, and wants some of Trudeau’s poutine.
I saw some people that the president always “argues” with on Twitter, tweet out that picture with “Justin found Melania’s G7 spot”.
I think he is supposed to be a quarter pounder guy. Big mac sauce seems like it would be to wild for a guy who eats his prime cut steaks well done with ketchup.
The NFL isn’t in a vacuum. It’s an honest reflection of its fan base. Once Americans stop viewing barbarism as entertainment the NFL might start making changes, but that’s very unlikely given that the XFL is making its unremarkable return to mainstream.
All of those men you named are either rapists, sexual assaulters, wife beaters or some combination. The only one that’s had his career affected is Ray Rice and only AFTER the tape came out. 2 of those 4 are going to the HoF. And we could name dozens more. But god forbid a man kneel to protest an injustice. Fuck…
I immediately looked at the woman ( I believe Emmanuel Macron??) on the far right. Her face says it all. Lol.
I wonder if Justin Trudeau ran to the Canadian embassy and had one of those delousing showers?
I’m not in love with her so much as I don’t hate her with the same passion as the other people pictured. I am aware of her sleazy past, but I’m more indifferent to it since it hasn’t destroyed a nation...yet.
Ugh shit like this is why I don’t watch football anymore:(
Does it though? It’s more like fuck Justin Trudeau, kill everyone else (actually the First Lady of France is probably innocent, she can leave the room with a stern warning to not become like the Trumps).
That pic represents the easiest game of “F/Marry/Kill” evar.
The face of a guy who’s wife has a queue of guys forming while his car keys are sitting alone in the bowl!
“despite having agency and being complicit in all my husband’s racist, xenophobic, fearmongering.”
“This picture says “Save me because I’m being held captive despite having agency and being complicit in all my husband’s racist, xenophobic, fearmongering.”