Yes. This is one of the worst things. How dare that asshole make Fox News look reasonable?
Yes. This is one of the worst things. How dare that asshole make Fox News look reasonable?
I have a daughter with cerebral palsy and the number of people marketing YL oils as a "cure" for spasticity in CP support groups is downright DISGUSTING. CP is caused by damage to the brain, and no amount of lavender scented bullshit is going to fix that. I also have two kids that are adopted, and the amount of oil…
Yeah, it takes less than a minute to shave, but some of us (me) have crazy coarse hair that won't leave and grows back the next hour and then get terrible rashes...lasers don't work for me either. I don't know, I'm kind if digging the color!
It's alright.
I'd probably knock up my ex-wife & re-marry her too if I had several months of paid time off from work & got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from fundraisers & major news networks for killing a kid. Then again, I wouldn't have killed a kid in the first place. Just my two cents.
Splitting the finale of a movie series is inevitable these days. But what pisses me off is that we have to wait an entire year to see the conclusion of this one story, instead of releasing Part 2 in the spring or summer. They want to build anticipation, but in a year's time I will probably just care less.
the thought of women walking around with a full on bush seems so unlikely.
I didn't say anything about having a hard time finding clothes. All I'm saying is that while there is a push for visibility of plus size models (and this is a very good thing), there is a gap in between that many of us fall into that we never get to see.
I lived there for two years. Dubai is absolutely Las Vegas, sans gambling but with way more prostitution.
But how do those details change anything about the core of the story? That's what I mean by the story beats being the same. Warbuck meeting her on the street vs. the secretary selecting her doesn't change the meat of the plot or the emotional truth of the story.
It's not a pill, it's administered via a naso-gastric tube and it's very exciting. That doesn't mean that eating shit or smearing shit on your face is a good idea.
Ha, so maybe I should actually be grateful that my necklace was later stolen? (Come to think of it, my life did markedly improve shortly after that!)
It's got to be hard for you. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I know I'm guilty of this ... I like babies at a arm's distance ... but I want them cute and quiet ... ALWAYS. I know that's not realistic. I know kids have their bad moments ... they get frustrated and can't express it. I know they get loud when…
See that I understand, but see even then the terminology is "subs" and "doms" and it's part of BDSM culture. I'm just pointing out that alphas and betas is pretty much a PAU and Omegaverse thing, so I find it really suspicious that it's being used in this context. Other parts of the letter are also setting off my…
Your BF's husband sounds intolerable. If you haven't already figured out a solution for the gift card, you might consider a gift-card swapping site or selling it on ebay (for face value, minus shipping.) I used to do that when a well-meaning relative would give me cards to stores I couldn't or wouldn't use.
Anything that enables me to eat an entire bowl of dip while saying "It's soup, it's healthy!" with a straight face is A OK with me!
so I re watched the movie a couple of years ago and it's just fucking awful. They cut out half of the songs from the play, including "NYC" and "Annie", I mean what the fuck??? Then they added a bunch of new songs that just sucked ass. They also added Punjab, who was in the comic but not the play and he detracted…
Ally Mcbeal smashed the whole Annie can't be black thing years ago. I remember watching that episode as a child and it just really touched me. When your black they always force you to take the role of background characters in the play because XYZ character is white not black. Anyway, your BF's husband can go fuck…