
I think there are good whites, if you like sweet wine (and I do).

Yes. I think (hope?) it's part of the joke.

The article didn't use the term "furrocious."

I lived in Abu Dhabi for a while and the Mormons I knew loved it there. Shoulders and knees covered ladies!

There are so many casinos now, I don't even know which one you mean! But yeah, further east than Mountain View. I lived in the Westwood district for a while as an adult, and I can understand not liking it here. Endless suburbia and rampant racism isn't for everyone!

This is a very generous interpretation, and I'm not really buying it. If at 18 you know you will be a second-class member of your community if you don't go on a mission, you're probably going to go on a mission. Even if a pre-mission teen hasn't considered becoming a Bishop I'm sure his family has.

Oh, the poor side of town. I graduated from Red Mountain in 2000, as far east you could go without getting to the dreaded AJ area. (Please read that as the sad attempt at humor it is).

Oh sweet FSM, I hope in 2000 years both will be ridiculous relics of the past. Although I do completely agree age has lent credence to mainstream Xianity that Scientology can only look upon with envy.


I graduated from a Mesa high school in 2000 and went to at least three wedding receptions in the week after graduation. None of those girls was even rumored to be pregnant, and I was considered the biggest slut in my class because I was on the pill. I never knew they had weed connections! All I ever got were those

The church may not condone this behavior and officially only the called are supposed to go on missions, but in my area a man who doesn't go on a mission will not be "called" to become a Bishop or other stake/ward leadership position, he won't be welcomed even as a Boy Scout leader. So there is definite pressure to go

Yikes, I'm sorry I made that dumb assumption about your child being a girl. I really am sorry, it's something I'm working on.

I'm sure she's adorable. Sorry your Facebook feed is populated by assholes.

I can't pinpoint the event, but I've been crushing on Bob Costas since I was in elementary school too!

Do you wear contact lenses? I do and any eye infection seems to last forever, I don't know why. I can imagine that if Costas kept trying to put his lenses in so he could go on air, it might have made any eye problem worse, pink eye or Botox eye.

Thanks for assuming they are assholes. They're just people responding in what is a pretty typical fashion in our children-as-default culture.

Yep. I appreciate these articles: without them I wouldn't be prepared for my mother in law back east texting me even earlier in the morning. She's a sweet lady, but I'm not going to respond to "do you have a Trader Joe's bag from Florida?" at 4am.

I have never been able to make a comment about not sleeping without being told by some person with children, on Facebook or in real life, without getting at least a "and you don't even have kids!" type of remark.

It was almost every night for two weeks after my fourth and last treatment, then tapered off.

I had Botox for migraines. I didn't experience much pain, but it didn't help at all AND I got one of the tiny print side-effects: bed wetting. It was awful. Stopped a month after my last treatment or I'd still be pissed, literally and figuratively.