
glad to see more focus on Kara, and glad to see they're finally doing something with her career. good to have an episode that revolves so much around her reporting. we knew she'd be heading back to catco at some point and honestly i'm glad we didn't have to work too hard for it. snapper was right all along, mostly.

thanks buddy for getting worked up about my internet comment. i have watched doctor who. i watched 4 seasons of rtd and 2.5 seasons of moffat. i liked the show until moffat took over.

Ich liebe Kartoffeln auch

i never got around to watching torchwood so i only have how much i enjoyed broadchurch to go on. i hope he's good, i'd like to start watching again. i actually can't believe how long it's been since i stopped watching DW. i was about to start my last year of high school.

it's the broadchurch showrunner taking over, yeah? i'll probably start watching that season

sad then that capaldi's leaving too. i'd argue that the problem haunted moffat since he began writing for the show at all, but it's far easier to ignore the problems and enjoy one or two episodes a season than to do that for an entire season (or 2.5 as i managed)

thanks :) i thought the broadchurch guy was taking over this season, but i'm eagerly awaiting the next one

Sorry to be the guy who only comments to rag on the show you're all trying to enjoy, but is steven moffat still showrunner? I heard he was leaving, but I honestly can't watch the show if he's still there.

the catholic church! we've made a few… changes.

i thought she might have just ascended to godliness mid interview. good piece, though

heads up, you refer to her as JC a couple times near the end (i think just in the dr quinn bits)

i didn't know mary berry was leaving too! i hate to say it but… will this season be worth the trouble?

i don't see too many movies in theatre so the worst i've seen is probably monsters university. it was terrible. terrible. not helped at all by the fact that halfway through i got a terrible headache, so i left when the credits started & had to get off the bus halfway home to throw up. i waited an hour for the next bus

this movie isn't coming out here until august 17, by which time i will have completely forgotten about it & will see no advertising. happens every time, but it's nice to see it rated so well.

not really sure what this means but agreed 100%

steve bannon looks like how i imagine the thistle man from Alice Isn't Dead - dead eyed, evil & dishevelled with skin that doesn't quite fit him.

at what point do you just stop talking? at what point do you think, 'yep, that's it. that's all.' for me that point is usually before i imply that millions of systemically murdered jewish, disabled, romani & gay people were not innocent victims

Yeah, I just picked up City of Stairs (I loved the author's last book, American Elsewhere, which was a 700 page standalone, brick of a book). I assumed this was standalone too bc it didn't say anything. Guess what? It's a trilogy, and the first book sucks anyway. You can just tell that now when a book's a trilogy it

how dare you make me read this

Do kids still use that word ''cool''?