Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.

You can never make fun of the Australian dollar ever again.

@ShagsterP1: For the same reason as Ghost Rider, his board is too much trouble to work into the game.

@Paradox me: Eh, the Japanese groups probably have silliness too, you just don't understand it.

@LucasFFXI: For starters, the name stands for Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.

@dom555: Ghost Rider was tried but too hard to implement the motorcycle in his attacks. No Venom means definitely no Carnage, and Blade... guess they just didn't feel like using him.

@Rebellion598: Well, that's for the PSP, which has been completely compromised by piracy anyway. And it's also a relatively obscure title, and has plenty of other factors that make it not surprising that it was heavily pirated.

@Altima NEO: Got it wrong way around, Magnanamus was a homage to MODOK.

The markets that Nintendo's been going after, namely kids, older non-gamers and their hardcore fans, none of these are particularly the type to pirate anyway. Kids only pirate ancient emulators, adults don't know how and their fans buy the games to support the franchises they love.

This is just free publicity.

@Crrash: Yeah, I must agree.

Hey, at least they're warning us beforehand.

Wow, this is barely veiled corporate code talk for "We're going to agree with the fans on pretending the crappy games never existed."

@VampireCactus: They tried. They failed. Face it, Sega ran the Sonic Adventure characters and storyline into the goddamn ground. Besides, that game's already had the story filled out and added to in Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles, maybe leave it to Bioware to do the rest of the fanfiction. (note: I actually loved

Hey, check out screen 3, Link's decided he must whip it.

So that's what it actually looks like? Oooooh.

Yeah, they basically want to make machinima of a game with no brand recognition that they haven't released yet? No bloody wonder it wasn't greenlit. Who the hell would watch it?

Not surprised. You ever read a manual these days? Didn't think so, and 90% of the time they're not worth the five minutes it takes unless they're a fighting game or something. Damn near everything is explained in the mandatory tutorial in modern games.