Can't they just sell these on iTunes? I'd buy em.
Can't they just sell these on iTunes? I'd buy em.
@AerintheGREAT: Either that or a wakeboarding game, for all that I know.
@ca$h: Hey, the people who donate the most to charity are usually the ones who have personal experience in needing it.
@peacefuloutrage: 'Xactly. The US government lets corporations get away with anything and people keep voting for em.
Complaining that the soundtrack is TOO epic? You were reaching.
But what does it turn into?
Best viral marketing EVER.
So we finally decided that since we're adding to the towering pile of generic first person shooters on the market, we don't need to bother doing multiplayer when every other game has it anyway.
@CloserDivision: I think there's a good reason- RDR has gameplay different from your average shooter, using Wild West weapons instead of the usual WW2 loadout. It's something different, not a redundant arena.
@Interstella5555: ...two of the games on that last HAVE experimented with multiplayer, (and that's just as far as I know) and in one of them it was a resounding success.
Looks like someone shares my drawing skills.
@einhazard: Really, only like one or two Final Fantasy games actually have a teenage protagonist, from what I hear. It's just they FFVII was included among them and that's everyone's main perception of the series. And what everyone else rips off.
@adamhunterpeck: We've had chariot racing minigames in some games, and yes that would be fucking awesome.
Y'know, I understand their reasoning. For years we've been mocking JRPGs for having heroes who look like 12 year old metrosexual boys, while all our games and movies have got grizzled macho badass heroes. It's an easy conclusion to draw.
@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: Paragraphs! Use paragraphs and people might read the whole thing instead of that block of text!
And we wonder why some companies seem to be run by the marketing department.
@ColinStein: You're obviously not familiar with how completely fucked up the Sonic fandom has become. Though I can say that no one asked for the werehog.
Combat racing has always been either cartoony mascot racers or futuristic hovercars at 3000km/h, I think one with real cars is a nice change.
@hoboninjapirate: Heck, there's probably real buildings that look like it.
Most games have 10 hours of gameplay these days, unless there's a few dozen hours of grinding added to that.