Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.

@Vecha: Not British.

@Silentkiller2774: You really, really don't want to know. The more you know, the less you'll ever sleep again.

@Toshi: We'll unleash Australia upon you in retaliation.

Old Chewie has a lightsaber walking stick.

We have GameFAQs, game wikias, and Google in general that makes every single one of those guides completely obsolete.

@W10002: It's as beautiful as I imagined.

@Vecha: Damned if I know, I'm not American.

Oh fucking no.

Whenever I hear Alan Wake I still picture a wakeboarding game.

@OriginalGman: As opposed to Devil May Cry. Even Japan does it!

@Sugoi: And the rest are from They Live.

I wanna hear the Power Rangers theme on acoustic.

See, princesses may be cute and have good fashion sense but they're way too needy. Stay away unless she has her own cash to spend.

Honestly, this attitude really isn't after a game, where you do actions in pursuit of a goal. They just want something to do.

I think it should have been mentioned that in Australia, 'pay TV' is MUCH less popular than it seems to be in the US. Foxtel is only available in city areas, though Austar picks up the slack.