Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.

PS3 has to be the first console release I've seen where they steadily remove features. First backwards compatibility, then OS support, what next?

@Bloodsoul5: way am I believing that without numbers.

Maybe it doesn't matter if games are 'Japanese style' or 'westernised'. It matters that they're good.

Yeah, because Valve is totally regretting being PC exclusive.

Can I get a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater?

D'awww, that's the cutest ordained robot ever. I just wanna take it home and dress it in a nice little suit and program it to speak in a nauseatingly cute voice.

It's official: cheaters have no friends.

It's the little touches that make it. Like the crow, the cactus, the bones and the flower.

For a second I thought this was official. Still it looks great.

@Dark_Mirage: I'm not saying to make them only play the old games. It's just a place to start.

Man, Heroes fell so far. How did they manage to screw up so badly?

I think kids should start leaning the basics, the way we did. By that I mean I bust out the SNES from the back shed.

Nobody really expected Batman to stay dead. The companies themselves are fully aware of comic book death at this point.

Your taxes are already the lowest they've ever been. y'know.

@IamTheS: Silly commenter, everyone knows Sega ignores every other property it has while running Sonic into the ground.

So what the hell is newsworthy enough about this game for three articles in a row?

What happened to button remapping? It used to be in every single game, and disappeared for no reason.