Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.

@Zorantor: I used to grab Yoshi a lot, now I always play princess. I love kicking everyone's butt in a dress.

@mr_godot: Metal Gear seems to be fairly popular in Japan, probably more for the stealth and story elements, while the military stuff makes it a guaranteed sell overseas.

@NoHoldsBarred: More proof to my mad theory that there's a growing niche crowd of Xbox otakus in the country, not to mention expats.

Man, that makes me wanna play Super Mario Kart just to see each character's victory pose.

I just read the concept of the Human Centipede and lost my appetite.

@resvrgam: Because not being white clearly means you're up to something.

@DoctorWhorrible: They're not boycotting it. They don't feel safe going to Arizona because the police will detain them for no reason.

@Grandleon: I sincerely hope you're kidding, but that would mean you'd be showing some self-awareness.

@N-Robes: Wow, and I thought dating sims made you work for it.

Watch some Fantasia, Disney knows how to scare kids.

Interesting to see he's being humble rather than making himself a literal in-game god.

@Mohammed-87: Let's look at this favourite movies list and get more accurate statistics.

Good to see they're using the money responsibly, too many lottery winners end up with nothing to show for it in the long run.

Considering it'd be hard to make it different from Civ IV otherwise without wrecking the formula (turn-based games don't sell any more, let's make it a first person shooter!) hexes seem like a risk that's worth taking.

Alpha Centauri 2 will be a first-person shooter where you kill black blobs on an alien planet.

@Grandleon: As an Australian, I laugh my ass off when you Americans complain about the 'radical left'.

@srx5171: I could hop on a plane to the US, let my visa expire and live there illegally as long as I want. I could walk down the street of Phoenix and the cops wouldn't bat an eye, because I'm white.

@Chestnut Bowl: They're evil, and villains are better when they look ugly and scary.