
This wouldn't bother Americans... Maybe the snobby assholes that don't actually play the games and talk about them anyway.. But I'm pretty sure nobody else is gonna care..

@CTJoyce: I give you a high five good sir/madam...

@Jayshock89: Nope.. He's holding the barrel..

@peteer02: I just had a rush of memories from Quake II Arena back when on the PC... good times...

Now I want to play Metal Gear Solid 3 again..

@notquitedeadyet: I miss the old school X-Jet.. It just seemed more reasonable to me compared to the newer crazy super teched out ones..

@gurfinki: Eh, It's Bioware.. We haven't really been told anything yet, so don't throw judgment till more comes out..

First Contact War, First Contact War, First Contact War, First Contact War, First Contact War, First Contact War...

@lukedenby: There was another player at the bottom of the ramp

Now to sit down and watch the Director's Cut all over again.. today... startiiiiiiing now

@Eridani: Yeeaah.. I noticed star ships instead of attack ships almost immediately.. :/

@dracosummoner: I've been waiting for that game fer a looong time..

@BeefSupreme: Dark Hoff looks like he came outta Jersey Shore.. :[

@Lincoln Burrows: Might be settings maybe. I just tried on my laptop running XP and it worked so.. who knows. :[

@James: I didn't know about that, thanks! :D Now if only I could resize individual icons :/


@Spenze: Wow man.... It is the same thing... It perceives any IR light that it can detect.. It's just glorified with all the IR light being pumped out by the camera instead of a head unit (like the Wii Controller except backwards). Same exact tech that's in almost every webcam. Tear the cam apart and put a small dark

@Oneiros42: It really depends on how much they are paid. And I know Weaving wasn't the body actor.. That's why I used him as an example.. also why it would be easy to hire a good actor if you don't need to see their face for 90% of the series (or more). Another actor can act out all of the scenes, and can be dubbed