
I want to play Vegas... but with Obsidian helming it this time I'm afraid of the moment when my character randomly falls through the ground... Or a mission objective gets blown into space... Or everyones clothes disappear because I changed my helmet..

Alright everyone what I need you to do is print out a copy of the picture and then bring it with you to a well lit mirror. Then proceed to see how un-perfect you are..

@John Crane: Well, I'm hoping that this means they can make at least a better generalized shape for earbuds that don't feel like they're trying to rip anything apart..

@OkayOctane: It doesn't tell you to open ports, but I usually do searches on what ports should be open and go in manually and type em in anyhow.. I know some routers have issues with specific games. Usually only causes issues with PC titles, but I did hear about problems for a few people on the first CoD:MW, and a

@DaRealCaboose: Honestly I really didn't care that much. Handful of others turned it into a troll scenario so...

@anzicurt: I agree with you out of the simple fact that Bruce Campbell is your picture..

@majornougat: I know he was trained on Reach (Considering he was one of the original 300)

@Nintendo Tim: That's why I linked him this.. (Also not on the forums)

@eXo: I still have 2. Had another put tore it apart for modding another case

@SoulChaser: That is what I was getting at exactly.. I was saying Sony could have really hurt MS if they just up their service a bit, and charged a small fee (like $20 to $30 Annually)

@OkayOctane: I'm really not trying to argue, but Live has always downloaded faster for me. Your connection is actually faster then mine, which makes it even stranger in my opinion..

@SoulChaser: Who said anything about abnormal?

@OkayOctane: ....... Dude... When have you ever downloaded a demo on Live thats taken more then 5 minutes to download and install?... I know my net speeds average a little more then a handful of peoples but give me a break.

@NightsirK has paws: I used the games terms. In game everyone considers themselves by their grade numeral.. Running around telling people you're a Grade A Captain is a little silly.

@XtreemIkon: Like I said.. If its in Game then I'll take it. Anything can be said on the forums.