

@Gouki4u: I heard a rumor it's supposed to add some kind of content to multiplayer, but I didn't hear what

@DarthChimay: Yes.... but it has to be Christopher Walken.....

Holy Crap is Hardy gonna be Killer Croc?!

@GitEm$teveDave: It took you 6 months to make your beef jerky? Um.... Yeeeeaaah.... About that.... And it takes 1 fly.... Saying you have any form of control to prevent a single fly from entering your home is a stretch, so don't try it..

@DJ_Skrull: The Empire State Building?...... Really?....

@Sunwind: Wait... He deserves to be De-Starred for what?... Telling people to deal with their lives and possibly help someone else that actually needs it?

@corpore-metal: Sunwind doesn't like free spirited thinking.. Definitely agree on the Adoption thing.. Way too many children out there without parents as it is

@Starlionblue:I'm thinking the freezing only slows down the natural process of decay.. Just a guess..

That doesn't look like War Machine...

@dowingba: I agree with both GoldenLink and you.. The youth nowadays looks for mature graphic content, but as for more matured audiences. They look for better gameplay. The 1st Viva Pinata sold really well because it had good gameplay.. Halo Reach sold a bunch because of good gameplay. Grand Theft Auto sold a bunch

@embitterer: Do they even exist in the Marvel history anymore?

@SomethingClever: I kind of enjoyed the game.. Worth playing, but its one of those games that rely on you being scared.. Which doesn't really happen all that much to me.. so after I realized just how easy it was to dodge, well.. everything.. I got slightly bored.. Though I did really enjoy the story. Well worth

What do I think of Episodic Gaming?....

Nathan Fillion plus Indiana Jones = Nathan Drake..

@DJ_Skrull: Or anyone that believes in the true definition of a word. I didn't make up neither the word or the definition. Simply put, if it was a college question, you would have failed it. No offense to your opinion. We all hold our own. It would be nice for them to create some form of word usage compatible with the