
@sova1982: Oh, and a heads up. A lot of hospitals still use those style of wheel chairs. Not everybody lives in Richville like you do apparently

@sova1982: 1st.. It's a test model.. Remember even Wheel Chairs started somewhere..

Wait... You already can tag people...

@junyo: Wouldn't surprise me if they did things like this to scare people, or to pretend that they are actually behind the scenes watching terrorism.. when actually they don't have a freakin clue..

Wait a minute... My Wife has one of those Tracking Devices.. But why would she want the Government to track her physical person?.... Strange...

@presto117: Give in...... You know you want to...... Whats it gonna hurt?... Go ahead... do it..... now sign this little paper, and everything will be all taken care of for you... thats right... Just sit back and relax... Yes.... yeeesss

Of coarse the battery life is gonna suck.. The thing is supposed to be running all the time..

@Decoy_Doctorpus: High Five. I liked all the characters before they ran out of ideas..

I'm gonna make a blunt bet here.. I'm thinking it's gonna suck.... Yeah..... Yeah I'm feeling the vibe...

@Blastarr: The only thing I have around here a Game shop that has mini tourneys.. but everyone sucks really bad around here, so basically I just go when I want extra cash

@RoamAure: SC V was so much better then IV

@Cherish_Your_Life: Being a Hardcore fan of every Capcom Fighting game.. I'm actually rather excited they kept the old style.. Personally I think it looks better then a lot of other crap animations games are throwing at us now

@Eruanno: I don't see whats so different from my American Xbox..

@clammy: I actually have never played a single player experience that I have truly and deeply enjoyed.. so personally I still really like Halo Reach

@Batousi: Dear God! Rocksteady Captain America!...... I'll be back in 5 minutes...

@Eskintoro: He had the Super Soldier Serum in em.. So he punched off Nazis Heads.. and No.. He wasnt an up tight Super American either.. Just a Hardcore soldier

Is that John's Wife gone Zombie in the 1st Picture?