
@MSUHitman: If I had the money I would.. I'll probably get Morrigan's first though..

@2NinjasTapedTogether: Yea I've been thinking of playing through with a new character. This has pretty much convinced me.

@KefkaXI: Well Flemeths voice was in a Trailer for the new one, so who knows.. maybe it continues even more.. and this is just a arch point in that new story..

@IMD1: BioWare is Value..

@ThreeOneFive: Double Turn On All the Way! What Does this Mean?

I love BioWare...

@Jared Clarke: Eh.. It's the Internet.. People like to do that.. I think it makes them feel more important somehow..

@MrGOH: Well I consider an MMO, just not the same kind is more or less what I meant

@Sabithomega: and I understand it says that not all are playing players in the article. I'm just clarifying little details

@poplin: The free to play is supposed to be over though.. So if this is a recent poll then those should all be paying customers.

@UsernameOfTheDead: When you log into the game actually its pretty apparent these numbers are probably accurate. The Servers are all horded with 200 players each and a large quantity of them are full.. Not that it makes the game any better.. but the numbers are there..

@MrGOH: I wouldn't classify APB with other MMOs.. Every thinks of WoW when they here MMO, but APB is more like MW2 just with a lot of people. It has no story, or world back history. Its just a giant team shooter. It was actually really fun.. A little repetitive... but fun all the same..

@MrGOH: Well it will be playable. Even if Realtime worlds were to go, EA is already watching over it. It pulls in enough cash to keep it running for the time being.

@jandlecack: Its fun, just mildly repetitive.. as repetitive as most shooters like MW2.. Its just not a game people need to play all the damn time.. I think people see MMO and think the game is supposed to be played daily.. which its not.. Thats why it runs of hours of play rather then months.. Definitely not for

@DrDankstone: Are you thinking of the same movies?

@DrDankstone: Bwhat?! Come on man, the first two were the best. Alien 3 was okay, and 4 was just... *shudder*

@MysidianMan: These are True Lies.. I say good day to you Sir!