
When the heck did Single/Multi-player become a genre?... Yes I like to play single player games instead of RPGs.... Whhat?!

@Blue Lantern of Earth: Everything with that movie was bad... The Craptastic team was one lousy problem.. They couldn't get Alan Cumming to come back and play Nightcrawler, so they just erased him from the story. They instead thought to make Colossus and Beast X-Men almost immediately... Don't get me wrong.. it was

@Mmm: See and I wished they marketed the Kinect in a more simple way like this.. Just show how it would improve regular gameplay, instead of going full blast and crazy with it.. Ah well... they're digging the grave, and paying to do so. In the end I guess it doesn't effect the rest of us..

@resvrgam: The Kinect itself isn't a Disaster, but Microsoft is slowly trying to make it one..

@spiderweb1986: To be honest they probably arent going to demo it in stores.. but if they do it'll probably be to something stupid, similar to the Eyetoy.. :(

@RockyRan: I think he meant the Nintendo system?

The Kinect has so much damn potential and Microsoft for some reason just Really sucks at marketing it...

I don't want to see too many Super Characters in this movie. I'd be cool with Wasp being added in, but these are Big characters in one small movie.. If it gets too clusterf***ed then it'll end up like X-Men 3... Thank God Whedon is doing this..

@cheesetruncheon: I think you should skim through the comments in this post between me and some of the other users.. We generally noted in America.. Its a lot cheaper to use Steam. Where as in Europe, it's generally cheaper to find in store... It seems in European countries that Steam is more expensive because of the

@Poul Wrist: Yeah Areinu just posted a comment that makes a lot more sense when it comes to the difference in using Steam between American and European.. Its rather ridiculous actually.. See for the US its rather dirt cheap.. Especially when you look at an average store here sells a game first day at full retail price

@Areinu: See that makes a lot more sense... You guys are pretty much screwed when it comes to Steam.. huh...

@pkt-zer0: Sorry I've been commenting on multiple posts. I clarified more on the other.. Technically all I said was they should work together without them losing profit.. Another poster was afraid of Valve Monopolizing the Digital Download scene and making it so its the only real place to get PC games. I told him it

560 Bucks? What a Rip Off..

@Areinu: Lol Everyone keeps bringing up day 1 purchases. I hate day 1 purchases and refuse to make them.. Anyway I like Steam for their sales.. Because they have them frequently, and when they have them, they make sure they are BIG.. Newer titles 75% off is BIG.. Though I notice a lot of the posts on here are

@pkt-zer0: That's why I used that as an example

@1Mystic-G: Well they aren't trying at least.. And I think it'll be okay as long as Blizzards around, considering they refuse to put their product on Steam..

@FriarLawrenceIII: Lol I have a bunch of old Lucasarts games from Steam too.. Good times..

@FriarLawrenceIII: Well don't get me wrong.. If I go out somewhere and the game is a butt load cheaper, I'll take it.. Steam is just another store to me, giving me options.. It just has a habit of giving better ones from time to time.

Holy Crap! I want one.... I want one now...