
@CamJN: I know what you are talking about. I'm not sure why anyone would think a small group is sufficient, even if detailed reports are made. There are so many variables that can change based off things such as location, gender, and even ethnicity (not being racist). What they find within this small group may not be

Terminator 3 was already painful enough... Why is this Happening?!

@stereobot: Can I be the 1 dude wielding the chainsaw and wearing a sack-like mask?.... I laugh maniacally if required...

Did anybody else hear the Jurassic Park music in the very beginning of the first video?

@DocSeuss: If only they could cross Gears Action Gameplay with Mass Effects Story Telling and Conversation System..

@lazlopink: Thanks for the info. Hardly ever do you find people on the net who actually know what the hell they are talking about

@DocSeuss: I'm not trying to troll or anything, but I've played through both GoW games and never once had to actually strategize.. I know what you mean about Mass Effect though.. Except in Mass Effect you dont need to use the cover system if you have the right power set.


@Gurg: I just laughed way too hard at that comment....

@lazlopink: Steady Cam is what they used during Saving Private Ryan and The Bourne Trilogy to get that shaky feel... Is Hand held new. Maybe Smaller form and lighter weight with the change over to Digital Processing?

@F3st3r: Nobody likes Longshot...

@F3st3r: Most of that I find cool actually... though just to throw out detail, his power is to kinetically charge matter... Actually in the business its called a Steady Cam Effect. The Steady Cam is normally a camera mounted across a weight bearing system which goes across both shoulders.

Shaky Cams can be great when used correctly, but too many directors tend to use it when trying to hide the blandness of their scenes... Hes Running!!! Lets hide the fact that its boring by Shaking the Camera!!!!

@Dead Air ummm Dead Air: Actually Im from New Orleans, and my father actually has a thicker accent then they have ever written on Gambit so thanks Jerk for Hating. jk.. I am from New Orleans though and that kind of accent is actually reeeeaaaally common. Sometimes I slip into it when Im not careful and my wife gets

@Balmut: Me too... I think it was just because people kept seeing him so they got sick of em...

Ahhh the memories...