
i loved this season, but the picatella story line was poorly done.

i was disappointed with that.
no way does it explain his personality, and the end seems a copout as well.

well, they reacted emotionally, as many people would.
they also could and should have used internet/phone access better to communicate with the world, or try to.
the only ones doing that are obsessed with make up.
between being institutionalised, emotional, and not fully used to using technology, or communicating to

but that was awhile ago? what is the timeline? i couldn't say.
it's like walking dead.

that's why i never understood the waiting.

how often do prison riots do that in real life?

why not?
when a whole season is available at once.



it weren't supposed to be funny, it were supposed to shock.

i especially liked that they didn't shy away from shooting the kid.

pushy? you mean all blm?

then it would have ended being white mansplaining.

judging people like that is nonsense.

great episode. so well done.

not this episode.

it's very uneven, and some episodes, 1 /part1and no 4/ part 2, are like luhrman film's without the editing that make then good.

e4 was like a luhrman film without jill bilcock's editing. awful!
the whole show, from the beginning, has been very uneven.
i will watch to the end but…:(

louis bloom is the personification of corporate america. really well done.

what did i spoil? you know they will meet a female scientist. i think she's a caricature.
that ruins the whole thing for you?
even though it's already on the internet.