

how could they. they've hopefully got another 30 or more years to go.

something that only just occurred to me after all these years; why would 2 people who spend half of their childhoods in canada keep strong english accents?

what i never got is how they could be patented/that would stand up in court when cloning is illegal.


i get that but it's a lot of comments. or do you mean just above?

villains are nothing without their minions.

seriously? after all that? women so often stop at killing attackers when that would save them, and others.

though really that was old alison.

thank goodness. that first episode made me stop watching and every other bit on the island was like watching lost past s 1.

what bothered me was that they were supposed to be self sufficient and eating out of season fruit and veg.

i ALWAYS wondered about that. then again, i wonder about women shaving on twd.

it has ups and downs. for instance e1s5 is so bad i stopped watching until someone told me it gets better again. now i'm glad i did.

a blood deprived sarah.

not defective, reflecting.

i wanted more tony.

and helena is probs not bothered by living on a former grave.

great symbolism!

it happens to all of us.

else WHERE?