
tsure! hey did in the first episode, right there on the screen, for my ears to hear.
me, i'm capable of reading subtitles, that everything should have for everything, for deaf/hard of hearing. and for the visually impaired other aids are needed anyway.
strangely there ARE tv shows who have their non english characters

and would they all speak english amongst them selves? and does that apply to all the different nationalities in the series?

that doesn't explain why non english characters would speak english to their own family.
it's clearly to save usians and other englishers from having to listen to foreign sounds , and to have to read subs.

no, it's not the same thing. it's just so englishers don't have to read subtitles and have their ears offended by forn language.
conversly, bad guys often do speak forn/their own languages, [usually played by englisher actors, limited vocab and terrible pronunciation].
unless it's muslims.

that isn't actually my problem. it's them speaking english to their own families/within their own culture that annoys me.
why would a german or japanese or spanish or whatever person speak english in their own country to their friends and family?

yes. why did they cancel firefly, why?

i was very much looking forward to this show but was totally put off by all the non english speakers speaking english with terrible ''native'' accents within their own ethnic groups.
i hate that more than i can say. had they done this with original languages and subtitles i might be watching now.

that wouldn't be support, unless he actually wants to leave school to do something more worthwhile.

too much? is there really such a thing?

@santino fontana COME BACK!

you mean the goodbye scene/song this week?
it is terrible. i assumed a break and later reunion.
i love the show but greg/santino was a big part of that. love at first sight.

there's many songs that i didn't imagine before. i give good parent? uncensored.

oh yes!

i guess. i hope we see more of her.

jane's mum had one last week. about time this happened.

how much do kayaks cost. i can see that it would take heather a bit but…
agree on the abortion. of course miscarriages are common.

that was so short. and only 1 song :(

the whole world loses through usian fascism.

more like skip through the lot in 1 hour cause it's so boring.
