
I appreciate that the military is shooting at the head... something rarely seen in giant monster movies.

If you’re interested in having a similar situation explained to you in a way that is friendly to someone who has grown up with Western values and views (like myself) I highly recommend checking out a podcast called “Radiolab” and specifically an episode called “K-poparazzi”. It’s a story about how South Korean media

Why do you think they want to be pretty? To be attractive to other girls? Some people don’t want to be pretty at all... or just don’t care how others perceive them...

Holy crap, it’s like they cut off half her face... though to be honest the after is prettier... but I suspect the before never actually existed aside from on someone’s computer.

I doubt any issue is relevant in China . “Serious” movements are only permitted to exist if it promotes government control.

She wasn’t replaced over what the shirt said, but over what it represented and the association it had with an organization. Not that it makes it any better but to be honest she lives there (ok, I am assuming here), she knows how weird public relations are.

Funniest thing I’ve read tonight, thanks. Now I’m off to read more hopefully funny but not as funny things.

The life of a celebrity... it happens in the West too, but to people with conservative viewpoints.

Most of the feminist icons don’t want equality, they want superiority. They are annoying.

Are you South Korean? Most people wouldn’t understand based on my very limited understanding of South Korean culture. It seems strange to me as an American but believe me, I’ve seen stranger things come out of SK.

Well the game will essentially be one long interactive cutscene. They could do that with the Arkham games, and do in some of the cutscenes... but I know what you mean over all. I am looking forward to it but I don’t know if I share your enthusiasm enough to start right away because I hate playing a game I like then

It’s a good thing white knights like yourself exist to come and rescue all the oppressed. Keep up the good work, brother.

HHH 4 life!

No, not really that weird.

Another sign that pro wrestling wants to survive and does a pretty good job of it.

ex-boyfriends perhaps?

You think Steam just happened? It was thought into existence and nobody had to work, invest, and take serious risks on something that very easily could have failed? Steam puts games on its front page nobody would have ever played or even heard of for indie developers.

It would require an actual investigation and because likely everyone involved was drunk out of their minds none of the testimony would hold up and he’d get off making him look innocent. By doing this she can ruin his life without proving anything because who’s going to believe him over her?

The LGBT movement apparently likes visual stereotypes as well. Before reading the story on Kotaku about her perceived sexuality it hadn’t even crossed my mind she might be in a relationship of any kind.

You’re projecting based on your interpretation of three words. Who are you to say what method of “paying homage” is acceptable and safe and which method is not? It is up to the individual to decide for themselves whether they want to buy a product. Native American culture certainly doesn’t need a social justice