
Too bad he represents 90% of your audience and 20% of the people who are actually going to vote... because no one cares about Clinton.

You had no obvious reason to expect that, except for every event they’ve reported on in the past. Nice job, Slick.

Quit acting like a bitch and watch the stream before going to an obvious gossip site that will talk about the stream...

Apparently you didn’t watch him play because he didn’t actually have time to do any of these things...

lol apparently you didn’t actually watch the stream.... He wishes he had time to do all the stupid things you claim he did.

I watched this “live” on twitch, and it solidified why I am now watching e-sports on twitch instead of regular sports on network TV.... this was one of the most amazing “athletic” matches I have ever seen.

If that’s a legit facial tat, it sounds like he was in violation of his parole anyways.

Everywhere is filled with stupidity last time I checked. That is the defining trait of humanity. The other candidate I could vote for has committed crimes that would have literally gotten anyone else a life sentence (or executed if we jump back 50 years) but because the FBI decided she didn’t really mean to hurt

So why should your experience with the game be changed because someone, somewhere is offended by something you are not offended by? If we take this logic then we need to remove all skins from the game and just have gender neutral stick figures fight it out.

That’s not far from the truth because frankly, what you and everyone else thinks of this doesn’t matter to me because regardless of why you feel that way about this, it’s still just a skin in a video game.

Cutting it close to what? Offending people who can’t even state why they are offended? Have you ever heard someone actually try to explain cultural appropriation and keep a straight face?

That would be a sweet Rhinehardt skin... ripped Jesus swinging his cross around.

One problem, most Christians wouldn’t be offended by it. Sure a few would, and a story like this would be written about them, but they aren’t the ones that actually play the game.

Articles like this and responses like yours are the reason I’m voting Trump. Since I’m going to be subjected to stuff I don’t actually care about it while reading about pokemon I must do everything I can to make this content more interesting so I don’t yawn and stop reading during the frequent political rants. Clinton

Thank god for the one hero limit.

Oh good, just what I wanted. Overwatch to be more like Soccer. How exactly do ties make a game feel competitive?

I’d just tell him to log out, disable relevant mods, and then we’ll trade. Takes a few seconds.

Yeah but they didn’t intend to hurt anyone even though they were extremely careless, so no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case to trial.

Probably won’t happen to you.

Asheron’s Call will always be my favorite Turbine game. What a game!