
Your friends are probably exaggerating. In ten games I’ve seen people leave early in two of them. After 60 seconds anyone on that team can leave without penalty which is probably why your friends saw multiple people leave, but in both games I witnessed most of the team remained to finish the match

I was interested in this article until I read “religious conservatism or Democratic centrism” as though it wasn’t right vs left. It was religion vs common sense. Give me a break.

There is plenty of male (often castration oriented) guro out there... but your questions and statements are mostly valid.

Steam has recently got it right with their refund policy. Effectively that allows people to demo a game.

It doesn’t have to be grind heavy. You can just level up and stop when you want, which is what I did. I thought it was fantastic.

I will never understand why a person avoids punishment because they do not understand the consequences of their actions. Punishment should be a consequence of what you actually do, not what you think the punishment will be for what you do.

1. Me too... I have good games, and some that frankly are so bad I am tempted to stop playing.

I was listening to one streamer and he said he’d just rename his “gasm” emote to a “yawn” emote if it came down to it. Honestly... it would probably work.

I am fairly sure Brienne of Tarth is not a lesbian though. She’s easily one of my favorite characters either way but not necessarily the best example if one is trying to make a case for Zarya being a lesbian (not saying you are). At this point I guess Brienne could be bi but she seems hetero based on the show so far.

So because of certain characteristics LGBTQ people have stereotyped her into sharing their views? I thought this was the type of thing we as a culture wanted to avoid. At this point (especially with all the fanart/fiction) it just comes across as trying to force Blizzard’s hand... Ultimately though, who cares? Sexual

Interesting statistics but I’m not sure it’s saying a whole lot considering the age difference of the games. Even if Overwatch overtakes LoL it’s unlikely to have the same longevity... though I would really like to see a different type of game became as popular as LoL just for variety in e-sports etc.

Don’t worry, he will be in the Japanese version... in the western version though he’ll have pink polka-dot boxers on... for the children!

To be fair, if anyone gets a pass, Kojima gets a pass. He probably invented doing that.

Best way to increase her tankiness would just be reducing the size of her “head” in mech form... I don’t really think she needs it though personally.

It was extremely random until you built up a good deck... then it became fun.

Doesn’t matter, odds are the threatened aren’t lawyers otherwise the spoiler would probably be out. If AMC wants to go after someone, go after the source of the leak.

I was thinking that as well... though it also sounds similar to the last assassin’s creed.

Personally I think anyone who mentions SJW as though it were a movement worth paying attention to is worth ignoring right off the bat. I suppose now you’ll ask that my rights be removed and whatever other tortured the SJW movement currently supports be implemented in order to re-educate me.

What? My Corsair looks just like that... just with a different logo and different more reddish lighting.... :) For the record, no one in my office would question it, if they knew what was good for them.

What? My Corsair looks just like that... just with a different logo and different more reddish lighting.... :) For

OH please...