
I’m loving Michelle William’s new show. Her lopsided face and screechy little voice really cheer me up, plus she just yells into the camera, doesn’t have any clips of You-Know-Who. I can’t even watch Colbert anymore without muting it and averting my eyes. Kind of takes the fun out of the comedy. Plus, when a joke

Is this a thing? I wonder who in my shitty little city would come.

Was anyone else creeped out by the gay/bi scenes in House of Cards?

I’m looking at him and fantasizing about his sister.

Purple is for lesbians. I think they’re being a little presumptuous, but it’s nice they’re excited about their bundle of joy.

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I posted about my commercial space getting a cat cafe? (recap: I own a small building that was ravaged by assholes last year, fixed it, sat traumatized for a few months, finally put up an ad, joked that I wanted a cat cafe, and Prrt! a lovely young lady came to the door looking for

There’s more to it than what goes into your face. It’s also about what kind of cultivation you support. Canola is one thing; Roundup Ready Canola is another. Calling those kinds of choices illiterate is disingenuous at best.

Really? I’ve always wondered. And does it get hot enough to sear meat?

20 years later and Oprah still won’t let herself be fat.

You’re right, I did forget. It’s just amazing how a narrative takes over. It’s like living with an alcoholic. You’re under so much stress all the time that the crazy of the present takes over the crazy of the past, especially if the past is only last week.

I signed a conditional lease for a cat cafe in my building!!! Not public yet, so I’m dying to announce it somewhere — thanks! My mom and I own (I own and manage it, she’s the backer because I’m pathetic on paper) a small, mixed-use apartment building — four suites upstairs, two storefronts downstairs.

The more I watch the awfulness under Trump, the more I believe that the country would have been ungovernable by her.

John Waters is coming to Regina, Saskatchewan in June for Queer City Cinema! You all should come!

And where the fuck is Anonymous?

I can’t imagine her as an Eastern European being thrilled about the help from Russia.

Oh, we know. I didn’t think I could feel worse for you than during the W years. But boy, do I. Canada has a booby trapped electoral system and its fair share of idiot voters (Stephen Harper, Rob Ford, etc. etc.) We mourn for you. It’s horrifying for us, I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. Sending... ugh.

Lately I’ve been watching murder shows all night on Youtube just to contain my anxiety. The American election is like the show “Nightmare Next Door.”