Saartjie Bartman

Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would

"Traveling band of strippers" sounds like a twist on the old western. Surely they could have been more creative with the name...

no one is playing stupid. People do recognize the phrase for what it is. Body shaming anyone is not ok. Hence the "we're all real."

I'm glad the "real women have curves" trend is dying out. I get that thin people have more privileges than non-thin people, but I never thought it was fair how they were excluded from the positive body image movement just because their bodies are more socially acceptable. I've always believed in promoting self-esteem

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is

It is! There are more articles by guest writers lately, and some of them have been disastrous, but all these articles by guest writers about little-known historical women have been PHENOMENAL. This one is my favorite, so far.

If I looked like that after giving birth, you can bet I would be posing naked nonstop. Get it, girl.

What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.

You mentioned this in passing so I just want to pull it back out of the ether:

Women of color are vulnerable. Women of SIZE are also vulnerable (regardless of color, but especially if they are both of color AND size).

All the discussions sparked around this issue seem to focus entirely on the fact that women are