Saartjie Bartman

I’ve seen better, tbh.

The other day I noticed a bunch of Oreo crumbs had accumulated in my collarbones while I was eating in bed laying down. Sexy y/n?

Lol at the thought of my saggy boobs holding things.

bitch in the striped tank top is defs cheating

Pfft. Only amateurs use quarters. Silver dollars all the way. Bonus points if you can hold a couple of rolls under your boobs while doing the Macarana.

You know what would make me forgive GQ for this? If they shot an identical version with Taylor Kitsch straddling Colin Ferrell.

nicknamed Sailor Boy

#33 made me.

My dad on his wedding day, aged 21 in 1967, in the middle between his 2 brothers. Dig the 60s suits and boots!

Something very interesting I noticed the second time round: the first time he grabs her, she pushes him off. Then he’s angry at her for showing him up, and he goes to grab her behind in revenge, in order to put her in her place. Such a great demonstration that the men that perpetrate these acts of sexual assault

In Soviet Russia, server hit on you.

Violence is seldom the answer.

I love how according to the cable news people some kind of “trend researchers” found out this is a hot new thing women are into. I want to see the methodology for these studies they’ve conducted, and how they determined women all got together and decided to think the same thing. Because I never got an invitation to

What is the point of going to the Met Ball or any of its after parties when you know Rihanna is just going to slay your basic ass with a flick of her wrist and five thousand yards of neon yellow fur and black chiffon.

Can’t speak for all of Jez, but how exactly would I forgive Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner when I’m not angry enough (read: not angry at all) to require forgiveness?

Also we are clearly doing it to teach you valuable life lessons and that material possessions are not nearly as important as us getting to do whatever the fuck we want, whenever the fuck we want.

Charlize Theron was going to get paid less than Chris Hemsworth?