
It is a real place, drove through on the way from Liverpool to Whitby. It is a dangerous road, our Vauxhall saw air often. It was summer and I swear there was a blizzard at the viaduct, we had to seek shelter in the nearby pub and partake in bangers and mash.

America is so backwards in many ways, in Oz this can't happen with our "Responsible Lending" requirements.  It is hard enough to finance a good egg let alone a dud with a negative equity. Computer just says NO! The greed of business is never ending.

Just a W220 under the skin, no $10k bills to worry about.

After a long line of cheap ass rubbish - Captiva, Viva, Epica and Korean Barina is it any wonder nobody buys Holden? I sold Holden in the mid 2000s and the sales floor had 10 salespeople. The same dealership now has 2 and tumbleweeds blow through the place. Colorado is the only thing that sells and that’s only in

Nope, no tolls. Germans are surrounded by countries with tolls so as soon as they leave it costs. Everyone passes through Germany for free.

Hmmm, Kia ...... ute ...... I can't wait ...... 

Well, if you’re too lazy to get off your fat ass to get your own food then that’s what you get. Of course these grubs are going to rifle through your ‘dinner’ after scratching their butt, at a dollar an hour they probably haven’t had a feed in a while.

Correct, everyone trading their dodgy motor says this. 

Cheap is what happened. These early Hyundais just dissolved in the sun, the 90's cars were particularly bad, paint washed off the top surfaces, any plastics turned to powder, bumpers developed holes. You pays your money...

This guy is a class one cretin leading me to believe all 20 t0 30 year olds are morons. Who cares about the gender of this bogankind? Insurance - denied!

Exactly. I slip a tracker in a Camry if it goes out on a test drive. From experience I don't trust strangers. 

Dirty car = dirty knickers. People are foul.

Just yesterday I drove over that section as I made my way to Monaco. Can’t imagine the storm that attributed to the carnage as the day has been perfect just down the road in Monaco.

Traffic kills the events on Friday, just impossible to get around to see all the shows. Quail carpark is always good if you miss the ticket ballot too. Too many tossers with studded alligator boots at Pebble Beach now. Best value is the Historic Meet. Shout yourself to an auction at least once.

Craptiva does come in diesel.

I use the terrorist example to sell Landcruisers. What do the BTs use? TOYOTA, after all they don’t want to break down on a sand dune do they.